Trial classes/Drop-in classes
How to book a trial class/drop-in class, before you sign up
Before you buy a trial class/drop-in class for one of our dance sessions, you need to see under Childrens classes, Dance classes and Salsa, Bachata, Standard-Latin, which classes you would like to attend, and which date. You must add this yourself, when you book the class (remember the class number).
Important info
- Remember to see which address the class is located on, as we have many different locations.
- Please be aware of the starting date of the class, and type the number of the class in your booking
- Trial classes and drop-in classes cannot be refunded or switched. (If you for some reason cannot attend the class on the day, you have to buy a new trial class/drop-in class, if you want to try the class another day)
- REMEMBER to bring the receipt for the class! You can show the receipt from the phone. The receipt is only valid, if you have noted the correct class number and date you are attending the class.
- If you afterwards want to sign up for the class, you can sign up from 12:00 o' clock the next day. (The prices for the classes will be updated, so you only pay for the weeks, that are left on the class).
Trial classes (you can buy as many trial classes you want, as long as you have not tried the class before)
Trial class for kids: 40 DKK. buy here
Trial class for adults: 60 DKK. buy here
To book a trial class, you need to create a profile. When you click on one of the links above, you will be linked directly to creating a profile, and paying for a trial class. There is no subscription fee.
Drop-in classes
As something new from August 2018, it is now possible to buy drop-in classes at all our young/adult classes. You can buy drop-in classes to the same dance class, as many times as you like (as oppossed to trial classes, where you cannot have tried the class before).
Drop-in classes: 90 DKK. buy here
To book a drop-in class, you need to create a profile. When you click on the link above, you will be linked directly to creating a profile, and paying for a trial class. There is no subscription fee.